Thursday, June 4, 2015


 The thought of love is such a wonderful yet crazy, scary thing. Some of us crave it so much that we are constantly falling in it. Some of us once had it, and did not get it work out the way we had planned, ended up becoming terrified of it or resent it. Some just flat out that they don't want it. 

I have seen so many types of love and one thing I have come to realize is that in order for love to work, both must do their best not to be selfish. I once said that we don't fall in love like we fall in a hole, but we take a giant jump from our own planet to visit  each other's planet, and not to be selfish means we have to be willing to merge our worlds together.

I constantly talk about wanting to have a man and settling down with him but in reality, if I really wanted to, I would have done so by now. I don't know if my hopes and dreams really include having someone by my side but I do know that there comes one day I must be willing to share my world with someone I love so much, because if I don't do so, well I guess I will never be able to love that person to the fullest. Seriously, I'm possibly busy loving me at the moment but I don't want to see myself alone when I'm 70. (Who does?!?) 
A little girl comes to me today crying and says she doesn't want to love anymore because it hurts so bad. After thinking for a while, I tell her "If you could love the wrong one that much, imagine how great it will be when you see the right one. He is just the guy that everyone thinks you will get married to in the first half of a movie. You have to move on if you want to see how it ends" 

And I move on. 

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